Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Weekly Journal #3 (Sept. 23 - Sept. 30)

This week we focused on brainstorming project ideas. We met with each other on Saturday (Sept. 26) and began generating ideas for our project. We started with what each of us wanted to do and it came down to a video or a game. From there, we narrowed it down to what kinds of videos or games that we could (or want) to make.

Our group wants to create a project for IAT 402/403 that is not simply a project made from students in the Media Arts stream or simply a project from students in the Design stream; our goal is to merge those two streams together. Design helps send a message to people and Media Arts is the creation of devices for people to use. An idea for our final project is to create either a video or game that not only invokes the feeling of joy to the user, but also sends them a message.

Here is an audio sample of part of our weekly meeting.

That concluded our meeting for the week. We then assigned each member some work for this week's assignment:

Danny - write this week's journal entry
Mark - organize notes and post them on the web page
Michael - post recording of our brainstorming session
Jason - revise mentor document
Paul - create mentor blog

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 22nd journal update

Week 1:
This week we created our group with the following members:
Jason Shen
Danny Ho
Mark Fussell
Michael Paraninfi
Paul Shih

Our first meeting was on Saturday. We all brainstormed our team's strengths and weaknesses to create our concept map of the skills that our group possesses. This exercise helped us figure out what kind of projects are possible with our skill-set and what is beyond the limits of our group. After that we took pictures of each other to put on the team web site. From there, we talked about what our goals of the group are in this project and the answer that we came up with is that our finished product should look good and we are determined to make that happen. We also do not wish to create a product that solves any worldwide problems, but want to create a product that people can enjoy and have fun with. From these two goals, we created our team name: "All Nighters HD" and our mission statement: "We are willing to stay up all night... and look good while doing it!" Another requirement of the first assignment was to create a visual representation of our team logo and we decided to create a pretty wacky movie poster to illustrate what our team is about.

After that meeting was over, we assigned work amongst each other:
Jason - create web site and team logo
Michael - create movie poster
Paul - help with web site
Mark and Danny - create poster

Week 2:
We met on Sunday to work on the assignment together. The mentor list was printed out and divided amongst the 5 of us. From there we narrowed down the list until all of them could help our group in some way. We then voted on which mentor we wanted to put on the list of 5 mentors.
In the end, it came down to the following 6 mentors:
#1 - Diane Gromala
#2 - Mark Fromson
#3 - Jacqueline Antalik
#4 - Zerlina Chan and Anne Yeo
#5 - Bernhard Reicke
#6 - Sean O'Reilly

After that, we brainstormed on what direction our group should be heading in. We are still undecided on the topic, but we came out with a couple of ideas of what we should do, which include: zombies, explosions and flying. Most of our group prefer to have something video based and we were questioning the possibility of a game. Looking at our skill set, we agreed that we do not have the capability of creating a realistic 3d game. After our brainstorming, we ended our meeting and assigned the following tasks to each group member:

Danny - create journal entries and do write ups on mentor #3 and #6 on our list
Jason - update web site and do write ups on mentor #1
Michael - do write up on mentor #5 and tweak our movie poster
Paul - work on the mentor document
Mark - work on the mentor document

Monday, September 14, 2009

Team Skills

The first picture is a detailed list of our individual ratings. They are categorized and each member is rated from 1 to 3. 3 being the best in the group, 2 being average, and 1 being below average. If an individual's name does not appear in a category, it means they have zero or minimal experience with said skill. The categories start with technical skills and slowly transition to intangible skills during the second half.

The second picture is a list of group skills that every member in the team knows some of. The names to the right of the image indicate our own precieved area of specialization.

Team Mission Statement

Our team mission statement:

"Willing to stay up all night... and look good while doing it."

Our mission statement says a number of things about our group:

1. Our determination, as much as we would like to avoid all-nighters, we are willing to in order to deliver.

2. Our appreciation for a little bit of humor. We want to work hard but we will also find a fun way to approach things. We understand that being able to do this will help greatly with team determination and morale along the way through those long gruesome hours curled infront of a computer.

Team Vision

We have chosen to make movie posters for a fictitious movie title that suggested our team's mentality and mission statement. We would like to clarify that the team name we chose DOES NOT mean we leave everything until the night before the deadline. As a matter of fact, we would prefer to avoid ANY all nighters and to stay on top of our schedules at all times.

Group Image

This here would be our group photo. It may look a bit odd seeing as this was taken in the green screen room, but with proper context it makes much more sense. This leads us to our team vision which will appear in the following update.

Team Logo

Team Members

Our Team members from top to bottom are:
Mark Fussel, Jason Shen, Paul Shih, Danny Ho, and Michael Paraninfi