Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Digital Representation

We also have completed a digital representation of our game to demonstrate the look and feel of our game. This video shows many basic elements of our game including the basic actions such as walking, jumping, performing actions (hitting levers), pushing blocks, etc. Another key element to our game that is shown is the communication aspect aka the signage. We've decided to use signs that we train the player to use instead of already created universal signs. We have decided to do this are to keep the interface simple instead of cluttering it up with signs.

Without further ado:

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week 11 update

So for this week, we ran another user feedback session.

It still is the same paper prototyping done the week before, but with some minor modifications. Some of the bigger problems that were most apparent and quick to fix we addressed immediately for our next paper prototype feedback session.

Our instructor and TAs have suggested a user feedback session similar to a focus group where only words and ideas are exchanged. In a way we did go one step further with the paper prototypes only because we felt that it would be effective.

either way, we've included at the bottom a collection of screen captures from our test session as well as some more brainstorming after the feedback we had recieved from this week's board crit.

The test results, which include the questionnaires and interviews we aren't allowed to share with the public, as we had stated in our consent forms.

We also did some research on other 2d puzzle games, mostly in the form of flash. We used these as references and inspiration in terms of game mechanics, presentation style and how they two of them fit and work together. We went through about 10 different puzzle games, most of them weren't very relevant except for two. One was called rock guardian and the other called boxmen. We've taken screenshots as a means of documenting it for future reference.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Week 10: Planned User Event PDF

Here is the link to our Planned User Event PDF.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

week 9 update

One of the things we did this week was take one of the levels that we had brainstormed previously and visualized it and experienced with some of the artistic styles that we may want to adopt.

The top image is the original and the second image is the refined (visualized) version of what it might look like as a final level.

The 3rd to 8th image represents our current interface iteration.

Image 1: Here a black and a blue character are working together.

Image 2: The black character presses one simple button to bring up a dial of 8 icons around his character and selects the message he wants to convey using the mouse as a selection tool.

Image 3: After choosing his action, he must then choose out of the 4 available colors to specific which of the 4 characters this message is for. (black, blue, red, green)

Image 4: A 3rd and final step requires the user to click on the direction or area of interest that this message/icon pretains to.

Image 5: Finally this icon/message is displayed over the user character's head for all other users to see.

We have also done some additional brainstorming for level/puzzles.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

week 8 midterm update

First and foremost, apologies for the tardiness of this post. We had some difficulties with our login info, namely our password. Regardless, This week's update is to mainly submit many of the puzzles we had brainstormed. Some of these were taken with my cell phone camera, others are on another member's digital camera, which we will have on here as soon as possible. He is currently VERY busy with 338 (he always is actually). Hence the delay.

These are some of our processes experimenting with different types of contraptions, puzzles, level combinations, story, background, and difficulty.